Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Wrap-up - Blogging and Teacher Salaries

 These past few blogs have been educational blogs on topics that I found interesting. Educational blogs are  created for educational purposes. Blogs offer a huge instructional potential as an online resource. My classmates and I have spent the past couple of months coming up with various topics to include in our blogs that interest us and that we think will interest you. 

One of the topics that my peers discussed was teacher salaries. Wrote about by Hannah Ingle, Peyton King, and Grace Wanovich, low teacher salaries effect all current, future, and past teachers. Peyton brings us the fact that teacher salaries in local areas are lower than they are in outside areas. His home county allots over 50% of their budget to education, increasing the amount that teachers make. He also shows the 2013-2014 pay chart for Knox County, although this is not what they get paid anymore, this is what they got paid just ten years ago. The highest salary for someone with a master's degree was only $51,000 a year. Granted, salaries have increased since then, but not by much and teachers are still not 

Male teacher with head on computer desk
with coffee and a blue background. 
making a livable wage. Grace and Hannah both mention that teachers are having to get second jobs just to keep themselves afloat. This can be extremely taxing for the teachers that spend their whole day at their teaching jobs dealing with children and their parents (arguably the worst part of teaching) just to have to work another job to make ends meet. Something else that all three of these blogs mention, is that teachers do not work for the money. Many teachers, including myself and my peers, are going into this profession because we have the passion for it. Other people may not get this, when we oftentimes get looked down upon because we chose a career that does not pay as well as it should. This can be changed, but people are not trying to change it. Almost everyone is taught by a teacher at some point in their lives, yet they are still some of the most underpaid people with degrees. 

Although my time with blogging has been short, I have enjoyed it. I think that blogging is a good way for people to get information in short bursts without being overloaded with facts or nonsense. These blogs that I have created have been all based on educational topics, but there are millions of blogs in the world on any topic that you could imagine. Blogging can be a useful tool to use in or out of the classroom to provide quick information to parents and students electronically! 

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The Wrap-up - Blogging and Teacher Salaries

 These past few blogs have been educational blogs on topics that I found interesting. Educational blogs are    created for educational purp...