Thursday, September 15, 2022

Flipped Classes - What are they and are they worth it?

What are flipped classes? According to researchers at Harvard, A flipped classroom is a structured class that is built around the idea that direct instruction is not the best use of class. Instead of doing all of the learning and encountering information during class time, students will gather this information before class, leaving class time free for activities that involve a higher order of thinking. This type of instruction is built on the basis that there is no difference between a student listening to a class lecture by themselves compared to having others in class. Basically, a flipped class is when students do the majority of the learning themselves outside of class, before class, then go to class to participate in any activities planned, to then do any homework to make sure they fully understood the topic. 

Some people may argue that there are more benefits to having flipped classes than a normal structured

Cartoon girl with orange hair
shown in three pictures reading
a book, behind a computer, and
sitting at a desk with arrows
pointing to a computer over her 
class such as the fact that flipped classes are flexible, students can learn at their own pace, or that there are opportunities for a higher level of learning. For me, flipped classes are a learning nightmare. Every single one of my classes at UTK this semester is a flipped class and each class expects me to put in a couple hours before class to learn the material for class that day. While I am taking sixteen hours this semester and having to do the "flipped" work and having to do homework, it is becoming extremely draining. Sometimes, I find myself to be doing the bare minimum to be set for class just so I can get some sleep at night or not have to wake up super early in the morning. Even after I do all of the before class preparation, I still end up having to do numerous hours of homework daily on top of all the work that I already had to do. The amount of work that I have to do could easily be cut in half if a flipped structure was not incorporated in the classes that I am taking, but unfortunately I do not have that luxury. 

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